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Cell Phone Photography Workshop, Alva High School Artwork at Runnymede for May 3 First Friday

                Want to learn more about how to take better photos with a cell phone camera?

                Nescatunga Arts and Humanities Council member David Poindexter, associate professor of visual arts at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, will lead a workshop for those interested from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on the second floor of The Runnymede in downtown Alva during the annual First Friday Art Walk event on Friday, May 3. The fee is $10 per person.

                On the first floor from 6-8 p.m. will be a free display of artwork created by members of the Alva High School art classes led by Greg McClure.

                For the photography workshop, Poindexter plans to review the basics of camera operation and the typical issues for different kinds of photographic subjects and situations. He also will present a few phone app options and discuss what to look for when thinking about the kinds of images one might want to photograph.

                Participants are welcome to bring a few photos on their phones that they’d like to learn more about how to improve them along with a list of the types of photo subjects they’d like to take better with their phones.

                Also, as a reminder, the Council members continue to meet to discuss plans for the 53rd Nescatunga Arts Festival and the 3rd Sugar Show to be May 31-June 1 at the Alva Recreation Complex’s Pete and Ruth Leslie Fieldhouse. Many volunteers are needed, along with interested monetary sponsors for the events.

                The early registration deadline for fine artists, crafters, authors and bakers/sugar artists is May 3.

                For registration forms and more information on this year’s event, please visit Questions may be sent to

                 Membership in the Council is open to anyone who wants to support the arts. Yearly membership dues are $25. Checks may be mailed to P.O. Box 152, Alva, OK 73717, or paid using the group’s PayPal account at Booth registration also may be paid via PayPal.

Additional info on the festival or upcoming meeting dates may be found on the Facebook page at


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